We can help to improve your standing, walking and mobility.  If you are already on your feet, we can help to improve your walking ability and confidence.  You may have goals around increasing your speed, distance or wanting to improve how your walking looks and feels.  If you are currently unable to walk, we can help explore the potential for returning to standing and walking and ensure that you have the necessary equipment.

We improve walking and mobility by:

  • Strengthening, stretching and mobilising muscles and joints to optimise muscle and joint function
  • Balance re-training
  • Improving balance and posture
  • Hands-on treatment to improve foot and leg posture and improve muscle activation
  • Assessment for appropriate walking aids and progressing to move off these aids when appropriate.
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Negotiating different surfaces (in the garden, on the beach)
  • Making referrals to podiatry, orthotics, wheelchair services

We also love helping you to return to activities like hill walking, running and sports!